Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Self-paced Nearpod Codes

Rise of Communism

Period 1- MFPQL
Period 3- GWNSI
Period 4- SQYNE
Period 5- GFQUB
Period 6- OUGKD
Period 7- CVXIH

Rise of Fascism

Period 1- YXDIK
Period 3- IEZJT
Period 4- DFCAG
Period 5- NOTWU
Period 6- PGXNE
Period 7- ZEWPV

Rise of Nazism

Period 1- VTZEI
Period 3- QNUXM
Period 4- KGUQN
Period 5- YZJKC
Period 6- OCYXU
Period 7- NWRQB

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Nazi Germany KWL

Students will complete a KWL chart of the German Economic Crisis and the rise of Nazism in Germany.

The first column of the chart is what you already know about the German Economic Crisis and Nazism

The second column is what you want to learn about the German Economic Crisis and Nazi Germany.

The third column is for what you have learned through the course of the lesson upon the topics of the German Economic Crisis and Nazi Germany.

This is for a grade and notes for your personal benefit.

This is the video watched in class: Ten Minute History - The Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany

Friday, March 8, 2019

Quizlet Homework


Quizlet: "The Rise of Totalitarianism, Topic 11, Lessons 6-8," added to your class folder sets.

  • You will need to complete 6 out of the 7 study activities for a total of 120 points. Due Monday, March 11, 2019.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Rise of Italian Fascism DBQ

Directions: Utilizing the material covered within the lesson and the Digital Public Library of America, you will be completing a short Document-Based Question (DBQ).

You will be working collaboratively with a partner. This means you will need to talk to each other to develop your answers together. You will hand in ONE sheet of paper with both of your names on it.

Document 1: An excerpt from Giuseppe Prezzolini's book Fascism.
Read the excerpt and the caption. For more information, you may click on "View item information" and/or "View in HathiTrust" listed on the right hand side of the page.
Once completing the reading, answer the following question:

  1. What evidence does the author present to explain the rise of Fascism in Italy?

Document 2: A drawing of a fasces by Giuseppe Barberi (1746-1809) of Italy.
Read the caption. For more information, you may click on "View item information" and/or "View in Smithsonian Institution" listed on the right hand side of the page.
  1. Why do you think the fasces symbol has endured and even been adopted by American society?
  2. Why do you think this image has not been removed from American monuments in light of the face that Mussolini used it as symbol of Fascism?
Document 3: A 1940 map describing Italy's plan to rebuild the Roman Empire, taken from the newspaper The San Francisco Examiner.
Read the caption. For more information, you may click on "View item information" and/or "View in David Rumsey" listed on the right hand side of the page.
  1. What is this an example of?
  2. What do you think would be the motive of Fascist Italy to rebuild the Roman Empire?
Document 4: The book jacket of The Official Life of Benito Mussolini(1939) by Giorgio Pini.Be sure to read the book jacket and the caption. For more information, you may click on "View item information" and/or "View in The New York Public Library" listed on the right hand side of the page.
  1. Why do you think Mussolini worked so hard to perfect his public image?
  2. What was Mussolini hoping to accomplish?
  3. Compare Mussolini's propaganda to Stalin's. Explain the similarities and/or differences.
Document 5: A photograph of Italian and German youth marching together.
Read the caption. For more information, you may click on "View item information" and/or "View in The New York Public Library" listed on the right hand side of the page

Read the caption. For more information, you may click on "View item information" and/or "View in The Empire State Digital Network" listed on the right hand side of the page.

Based on Documents 5 and 6, answer the following questions:
  1. Why do you think the Nazi German party took the idea of youth programs modeled by the Italian Fascist party?
  2. What is the purpose of Italian and German youth propaganda and programs?

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Stalin Propaganda Activity

Directions: View each Stalin propaganda poster presented below. On a sheet of paper, answer the listed questions below based upon the five pictures.
This is individual work. DO NOT turn in work that is copied off another student. Doing so will result in a zero.

If you do not complete the activity, finish it for homework!

  1. Identify some of the symbols depicted within the propaganda.
  2. Explain what images these posters portray of Stalin.
  3. How do these images make you feel about Stalin?
  4. How do you think the citizens of Russia, during the 1920s and 30s, view Stalin? How might have this effected the population?
  5. Explain how these posters display "cult of personality."

Monday, March 4, 2019

Intro to the Rise of Totalitarianism Unit

Hello Class,

Linked and/or listed below are some materials you will need for our next unit, the Rise of Totalitarianism, as well as additional sources that may be useful to explore.

Resources we will be utilizing:

Within your Pearson EasyBridge App, found in your Digital Backpack on LaunchPad, the corresponding text materials are found in Topic 11, Lessons 6-8.

Quizlet: "The Rise of Totalitarianism, Topic 11, Lessons 6-8," added to your class folder sets.
  • You will need to complete 6 out of the 7 study activities for a total of 120 points. Due March 11, 2019. (There will be a post reminder to follow)
The Rise of Italian Fascism and It's Influence on Europe - From the Digital Public Library of America.
Additional Resources:

Primary Source Set from the Digital Public Library of America:

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Welcome Students!

This is the blog that we will be utilizing for the entirety of this unit,The Rise of Totalitarianism, starting on March 6, 2019. 

On here you will find our daily assignments, bellwork, resources, and homework. 

I will be sure to post the information you need for each day prior to you entering class.

I expect you to utilize this blog to keep up with your assignments. 

Please reach out to me if you have any questions.


Ms. D 

Self-paced Nearpod Codes

Rise of Communism Period 1- MFPQL Period 3- GWNSI Period 4- SQYNE Period 5- GFQUB Period 6- OUGKD Period 7- CVXIH Rise of Fas...